"While campaigning, she stuck to a tried-and-true strategy: when going door to door in Loudoun County, the wealthiest in the US, Briskman doesnelectric cargo bikes factory bring up the image that sparked her 15 minutes of fame.."Briskman said she still receives threatening messages from anonymous "cowards," even two years after the incident. "I can't run against Trump, but I can run for this seat and make a difference right here. "Yeah, I heard that story," Khalsa said. "I heard that she lost her job, then I heard eventually that she was running for office.Aside from a small bicycle-shaped pin worn above her heart, Briskman rarely mentions "the incident," as she delicately calls it.Night has begun to fall in Loudoun County, Virginia, and the growing shadows on Kartar Khalsa's front porch make it difficult for him to recognize the friendly blonde woman going door to door, handing out leaflets ahead of the November 5 local elections.But getting fired "did open a lot of doors in other ways," Briskman admitted, in her home in Sterling, where she keeps a binder full of press clippings, cartoons and traces of televised appearances related to the incident.

But when she goes door to door, she uses an app to help her target households more likely to vote Democratic and avoid unpleasant encounters.She also sued her former employer for unfair dismissal, accusing it of violating her freedom of speech. Political engagement felt obvious to her, since she has been involved in her community for a long time.It doesn't always work: one woman once told Briskman she would only vote for # a candidate who openly supported Trump, and then asked if Briskman did."We have donations from Texas or Tennessee, a lot of support from people with sympathy for her story.Two years later, Briskman has jumped headfirst into politics and is running for local office."Trump "deserves it," he added, chuckling."Oh, she's the one who flipped the president?" asked the turbaned yoga teacher, once the Democratic candidate had moved on to his neighbor's house. Soon after, she was asked to run for county supervisor, a local office, on the Democratic ticket.She only mentions it when the homeowners "start talking about the administration" or comment on her bicycle pin.A single mother of two teens, Briskman quickly found a new job.It didn't take long for her to decide..- Still getting threats -On a windy autumn evening, amid Halloween decorations, no one seems to remember the buzz from two years ago."I've never worked on a local campaign like this where it is that easy to get media attention," he said.

"I did feel a little bit of responsibility, (because) I was handed a megaphone," she explained. That's good."Not really," Briskman replied vaguely before politely excusing herself -- all while taking care not to show her famous pin. On that Saturday in October 2017, the 52-year-old athlete showed Donald Trump exactly what she thought of him, as his imposing convoy of black SUVs passed her on the road outside the Trump National Golf Club. I like that energy. But for Mike Mullins, Briskman's campaign manager, her candidacy is very different from others he's seen.Washington: A viral photo taken in the fall of 2017 showed a cyclist flipping off Donald Trump's presidential convoy.Immortalized in an AFP photograph, the snapshot quickly went viral. But the image also cost Briskman her job as a marketing analyst for a United States government and military subcontractor."The marathon runner wanted to show that there was "substance" behind her candidacy -- education, women's rights, transportation and environmental issues -- and that she wasn't "just the person that rode my bike one day and flipped off the president. While some viewed her defiant finger as a sign of resistance, the photo also brought her insults and threats.. The image cost Juli Briskman, the cyclist, her job.A 'megaphone'Briskman's gesture got a widely varied reception in a politically divided US.

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